Strategic Marketing and Communications offers several helpful templates for faculty, staff and students to use for their university related communication. Use this section to discover templates such as Power Point, flyer, e-letterhead, social media posts, invitations, postcards, brochures and more. These resources and more can be found in our University Canva account.
San Francisco State University has an account with Canva. This account is populated with our branding kit, including colors, fonts and logos. The templates that SMC offers are also available through our Canva account. If you require access to our Canva account, please fill out the Canva request form.
Image Library
SMC has a compiled a working database of imagery approved for use on websites, social media, news stories and more. We have organized the images by category such as Colleges, buildings, classroom, athletics, around campus, etc. We are always adding to this archive of photos so you will always have a great image to choose from.
Flyer - One Sheet

- Download the eLetterhead (Microsoft Word)
- For printing, order at Ctrl+P (the University print shop) located on the 2nd floor of Cesar Chavez Student Center
Contact for Templates
For additional support, email us at