
Logo hierarchy is how the SF State brand is structured within the organization. It is how the University’s various entities relate to and support each other. These entities include the campuses, colleges, schools, departments, programs, offices and centers. A good logo hierarchy addresses how sub-brands reflect and reinforce the core purpose of the master brand.

San Francisco State University

Brand extensions are core entities that directly support and further the mission, vision and positioning of SF State. They are directly and consistently tied to the master brand logo to reinforce and elevate the University's strength.

SFSU Brand Extension examples

These entities support and reinforce the University’s mission and vision, relying on the master brand to enhance their individual reputations. They are directly tied to one or more brands extensions, but their reputations may be more closely aligned with the master brand than any brand extension.

Primary Sub-Brand logo samples

Each of these entities connects directly to a primary sub-brand and expands on the offer of that primary sub-brand.

Secondary Sub-Brand logo samples

These entities advance the mission and vision of the University, but have their own reach and presence, reaching targeted audiences and working toward a specific mission. They may be recognized as individual brands, but benefit from a connection to the university’s master brand.

Affiliated Entities logo examples

These are student organizations, clubs, initiatives or events that enhance the university experience. They are formally or informally affiliated with the university and often have their own marks or identities. The University’s registered marks and logos cannot be used in part or whole and the connection to SF State should be indicated by using 
the phrase, “at San Francisco State University”.

Africana Student Association Brand

These external entities have a strong reputation through a recognizable, individual identity as a stand-alone brand. While their mission and goals are separate from the University, they remain strongly connected and align with the culture of the master brand. The benefit to both entities is equitable.

Endorsed Entities logo samples