Color System

Colors in this palette are recommendations for use in San Francisco State University publications, promotional materials and web pages. Consistent use of these colors will contribute to a cohesive and unified look. The chart lists the Pantone ink with the equivalent 4-color and electronic conversions.

The primary color palette is extended by using the secondary color palette. These were designed to allow individual departments to choose a variety of colors while maintaining a uniform palette across the SF State campus. The primary colors should be used whenever possible and should always be the dominant scheme to the secondary palette. 

Primary Palette

Pantone 2755C

Pantone 2755C

C97  M100  Y0  K30

HTML #231161

R35  G17  B97

Pantone 2755C 85% TINT

Pantone 2755C 85% TINT

C82  M85  Y K26

HTML #463077

R70  G48  B119

Pantone 117C

Pantone 117C

C6  M27  Y100  K12

HTML #C99700

R201  G151  B0

Pantone 117C 60% TINT

Pantone 117C 60% TINT

C4  M16  Y60  K7

HTML #E9D597

R232  G191  B106

Secondary Palette

Pantone 647

Pantone 647

C100  M56  Y0  K23

HTML #26547C

Pantone 5757

Pantone 5757

C27  M0  Y95  K55

HTML #6B702B

Pantone 5545

Pantone 5545

C62  M19  Y45  K50

HTML #38635A

Pantone 174

Pantone 174

C0  M70  Y100  K36

HTML #933311

Pantone 4485

Pantone 4485

C0  M26  Y100  K77

HTML #604C11

Pantone Cool Gray 11

Pantone Cool Gray 11

C44 M34 Y22 K77

HTML #53565a